Sew Lomo

Cashmerette Grafton Dress

Review of the Grafton dress pattern

Modifying the Grafton dress pattern

I started off my Grafton dress journey making a sample garment for the bodice/top. I quickly discovered that while the pattern is suitable for curvy figures, it needs modifications for a curvy on the bottom, athletic on the top physique.

I originally sized myself as a size 6, which should have worked for the waist and the bust. What I didn't count on was that my shoulders and arms were too big for armholes. My test garment used a stretchy poly knit with only 10% stretch, which made the overall effect a bit constrained across my chest and not particularly forgiving. For my next approach, I moved to a stretchier floral fabric with more that 25% stretch and cut the pattern to a size 8.

Floral fabric with 25% stretch

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